Evil Medvěd & Keya
( AV live )

Evil Medvěd began producing and playing live in 2018, working primarily with modular and live re-sampling, he builds messy, turbulent energy into his live sets. He released his first record with Prague-based label RedforColourblind. With constant emphasis on airy space and delicate ecosystem of raw sound met with harsh evolving beats, loosely inspired by some UK bass music roots to progressive hybrid-club sound-tests.

His live sets are organic, tense and made with passionate disinterest towards tired music rules and precedents. Outside of his own practice, he is an active member of the modular scene and is actively involved with Trigger Collective, Noise Kitchen and Synth Library Prague.

At Lunchmeat Evil Medvěd is accompanied by visual artist Keya. She is focussing on video and performance art, through which she is exploring more ways to create space and instigate conversations between opposing ideologies, which mirrors her personal views on overcoming societal and cultural differences. She participated in 4+4 Days in Motion, performed at PAF and exhibited her work at various galleries around the Czech republic.

“As an artist, I strive to create works that are informed by differences between my inner and outer worlds, using video as a primary tool of expression. Having grown up in India and identifying as a woman, there are several deep-rooted conflicts regarding feminism and culture that drive both my personal and artistic lives,” says Keya.

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