Gnäw is a duo of Iranian born Arash Ghasemi based in Prague and Finland’s Simo Hakalisto based in Brno. Together they create experimental narration with music utilizing traditional Persian and Finnish instruments together with modular synthesizers. Their music emerges in the interplay of spiritually wired psychedelia, nocturnal melancholia and searing desert music, or as The Quietus wrote about their first album: “The pair hoisted a big block of esoteric sound in the air and moulded it into these blissfully scorched, psychedelic jams”. 

Gnäw’s first album “I” was released in 2021 by the UK label Cruel Nature records, and it was recently re-released on cassette by NL. based label Radio Khiyaban. Their sophomore album “II” is to be released in the winter 2024. 


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