Advanced Electronic Music And New Media Entertainment
Lunchmeat Festival
See You Dancin
Get Tickets23–29 Sep 2024
Lunchmeat Festival
23–29 Sep 2024
Lunchmeat Festival
23–29 Sep 2024


Dark times need more light. In an environment with constantly rising prices, we feel obliged to make the discovery of new audio and visual projects as accessible as possible. No matter where you come from or how much money you bring home.

That’s why we made two major revisions:
The festival schedule and the prices of tickets.

The main programme in the National Gallery Prague will take place from Thursday to Sunday and include a free open-air stage. Special event nights from Monday to Wednesday at CAMP, Archa+ and Ankali have been announced, tickets can be purchased here.

We offer a limited number of festival passes for 1680 CZK / 65 EUR.

This means entry for 4 main nights for the price of 3. No additional ticket waves, no price hikes. Single-day tickets are up for grabs. We wanna see you dancin’.


Dark times need more light. In an environment with constantly rising prices, we feel obliged to make the discovery of new audio and visual projects as accessible as possible. No matter where you come from or how much money you bring home.

That’s why we made two major revisions:
The festival schedule and the prices of tickets.

The main programme in the National Gallery Prague will take place from Thursday to Sunday and include a free open-air stage. Special event nights from Monday to Wednesday at CAMP, Archa+ and Ankali have been announced, tickets can be purchased here.

We offer a limited number of festival passes for 1680 CZK / 65 EUR.

This means entry for 4 main nights for the price of 3. No additional ticket waves, no price hikes. Single-day tickets are up for grabs. We wanna see you dancin’.